Hunter x Hunter: Chapter #394

It’s very cold outside. Here are my thoughts on Chapter 394 of Hunter x Hunter, “Hypothesis”.

Interestingly enough, this chapter has the same English title as Chapter 386, but the Japanese titles are different. Chapter 386 is entitled “Kasetsu”, while Chapter 394 is entitled “Sōtei”. I feel like there are other words the translators could have used, but we’ll see if anything changes in the volume version.

Early on in the chapter, we receive confirmation of Hinrigh’s suspicions about room 3101. The door, like that of room 1013, is a Nen boundary which transports those who cross it to another location. 

The old man is a follower of Morena’s who we’ll come to learn is named Gateaume. However, the Gateaume that Hinrigh and Ken’i see is only a projection.

Gateaume’s projection parallels Hanzo’s clone.

Afterward, we’re once again reminded of the information disjoint that exists between the Xi-Yu and Cha-R.

Previously, Ken’i had to do some detective work to uncover Hinrigh’s deal with Corporal Maizan. He wasn’t completely informed about the preceding battle either. In this scene, Hinrigh only just finds out about Luini. It’s important to remember that the Xi-Yu and Cha-R are, in fact, two separate organizations, even if they are working toward a shared goal. They don’t have access to the same information—at least, not immediately. I wonder if that will come back to bite them.

Ken’i goes on to display confidence in the Troupe to deal with Voconte’s trap, while Hinrigh decides to follow his own leads. What comes next is a massive unveiling of characters, after which every one of Morena’s followers is named (with the exception of the girl from 390).

Who the hell am I?

There are a few important things we learn from this section. Firstly, the Hei-Ly have been using a Tier 1 butler to spy on Tserriednich. As some have already pointed out, this butler’s remains can be seen in Chapter 384, decorating the floor of Tserriednich’s chambers.

Secondly, we learn that Morena’s ability can track those infected, as Quorolle hypothesized in Chapter 391. 

This probably means she can distribute points individually. The most interesting discovery, however, is that she wants to infect one of Tserriednich’s private guards. Morena’s ability can infect at most 23 people (including herself). There are 23 people infected when the Black Whale sets off. 

This chapter seems to imply that, if one of the infected dies, she can infect another in their place. Otherwise, one of her followers (most likely Dogman) will need to reach level 100 in order to spread the infection. 

If Dogman reaches level 50, killing a prince (Tserriednich?) will put him over 100. There may also be a different scheme at play here.

Lastly, we learn that Morena has a labyrinthian hideout.

I don’t think it’s worth trying to find out how Morena’s hideout is connected since it will probably be clarified in future chapters. Hinrigh seems to be on the case.

Detective mode engaged.

The second half of this chapter introduces us to some of Tserriednich’s private guards as they search for Morena.

After searching the official hideout and finding nothing but a dead Cha-R member, Corporal Gipper discusses the legality of the mafia conflict. As long as no civilians are killed, Kakin institutions will sweep murders under the rug. 

However, the Hunter Association may not make such a distinction. Additionally, because the Hei-Ly are registered as civilians, the mafia have to be incredibly careful with how they cover up the conflict. The Xi-Yu have Misha to help them dispose of bodies, but sooner rather than later, word will break out. Tserriednich’s guards believe this will result in a “purge” of the mafia. 

However, the mafia is ultimately a creation of the government. Its leaders are victims of a cruel ritual, and they aren’t the only victims aboard the Black Whale.

The guards decide to make transfer requests in steady intervals so they can determine when this purge will take place. Gipper will be the first to go to Tier 1.

A few other things happen in this section. Otocin successfully asks for Borksen, a member of Tserriednich’s security detail, to be transferred to Tier 3. He believes Borksen will have important intel, especially on Nen. 

We also gain some insight into Tserriednich as a person. He comes off as someone who is incredibly insecure and can’t stand being inferior in any way. His confidence may very well be an effort to convince himself of his own adequacy. 

His guards seem to understand this and question whether his current path is really what he wants. I’m getting shades of Kurapika here.

Time passes. Gipper has been transferred to Tier 1, and Borksen has been transferred to Tier 3. Without Gipper around, the guards are free to do as they please.

In all honesty, this is a logical response to the possibility of Morena possessing Nen. However, the Tserriednich’s guards don’t know who Morena’s followers are. Morena, on the other hand, knows the identity of Tserriednich’s guards. 

A reference to Chapter 348.

So, Borksen plans to establish a cooperative system with the Xi-Yu and Cha-R. I wonder what the mafia will think of their fake search, or if they will even find out.

With that, the stage is set for Chapter 395. There are a lot of spoilers out there, so be careful!

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